Napolean Hill quotes:
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.
The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.
A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.
Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds.
Happiness is found in doing, not merely possessing.
Action is the real measure of intelligence.
Goals are dreams with a deadline.
Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth.
If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it, write it in the sand near the water’s edge.
There are no limitations to the mind except those that we acknowledge.
You become what you think about.
Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
If you believe yourself unfortunate because you have loved and lost, perish the thought. One who has loved truly, can never lose entirely.
Most so called FAILURES are only temporary defeats.
Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world. Your star is now in ascendancy.
Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.
Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.
The time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
Earl Nightingale quotes:
Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.
Everything begins with an idea.
Never compete, create.
Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us.
Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.
People are where they are because that is exactly where they really want to be – whether they will admit that or not.
Luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity.
Problems are challenges to creative minds. Without problems, there would be little reason to think at all.
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.
We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.
We can help others in the world more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.
What’s going on in the inside shows on the outside.
You do become, what you think about.
You’ll find boredom where there is the absence of a good idea.
Your world and everything in it is a reflection of your own mental attitude toward yourself.
Joe Dispenza quotes:
A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom.
Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.
If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinvent a new self.
By Itself, Conscious Positive Thinking Cannot Overcome Subconscious Negative Feelings.
Conscious thoughts, repeated often enough, become unconscious thinking.
Consider creating several Mind Movies—one for health and wellness, for example, and another for romance, relationships, and wealth.
The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy — to change the electromagnetic field we are constantly broadcasting. In other words, to change our state of being, we have to change how we think and how we feel.
The latest research supports the notion that we have a natural ability to change the brain and body by thought alone, so that it looks biologically like some future event has already happened. Because you can make thought more real than anything else, you can change who you are from brain cell to gene, given the right understanding.
Reason this: When you think from your past memories, you can only create past experiences. As all of the “knowns” in your life cause your brain to think and feel in familiar ways, thus creating knowable outcomes, you continually reaffirm your life as you know it. And since your brain is equal to your environment, then each morning, your senses plug you into the same reality and initiate the same stream of consciousness.
Psychologists tell us that by the time we’re in our mid-30s, our identity or personality will be completely formed. This means that for those of us over 35, we have memorized a select set of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, emotional reactions, habits, skills, associative memories, conditioned responses, and perceptions that are now subconsciously programmed within us. Those programs are running us, because the body has become the mind. This means that we will think the same thoughts, feel the same feelings, react in identical ways, behave in the same manner, believe the same dogmas, and perceive reality the same ways. About 95 percent of who we are by midlife is a series of subconscious programs that have become automatic—driving a car, brushing our teeth, overeating when we’re stressed, worrying about our future, judging our friends, complaining about our lives, blaming our parents, not believing in ourselves, and insisting on being chronically unhappy, just to name a few.
Mooji quotes:
“Don’t streetfight your mind.”